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Maguiresbridge PS, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
February Letter and Attachments can be downloaded from the Parent Area!
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Board of Governors

Board of Governors 

The Board of Governors is responsible for the management of the school. They are very supportive and dedicated to upholding the vision of the school.

Responsibilities include:

  • Appointment of teachers and other staff
  • Admission of pupils to school
  • School Development Plans
  • Overview of the curriculum
  • Annual Report to parents
  • School Premises
  • Budget allocation

Transferor Representatives

Rev R Beacom (Chairperson)

Mr A Shaw (Vice Chairperson)

Mrs N Woods

Mr C Beacom

EA Representatives

Rev L Farrell

Mrs J Gamble

Elected by Parents

Mrs C Veitch

Mr M Davies

Elected by the Teaching Staff

Miss W Hadden


Mrs H Irvine (non-voting)